For some time there has been concern about the mental and physical health effects of being a young carer. Research has shown these young people are more likely to come from lower income households and to have less well-qualified parents in poorer paid jobs. Those providing more than 20 hours’ care per week suffer greater…
Tag: COVID-19
Proper support for young adult carers is long overdue
June 10th marks the start of Carers Week in the UK. This year’s awareness-raising week takes place just over a decade from when the Care Act received Royal Assent. . The Act promised that people who looked after family and friends due to disability, illness or addiction would no longer have their needs ignored and…
Childhood obesity post-pandemic: a debt to society
In 2023 the Chief Executive of the British Heart Foundation warned the Government not to put the brakes on its anti-obesity policies, adding that the resulting heart and circulatory disease would cost the economy £58m per year. Charmaine Griffiths said that after a flurry of early activity, a ‘bold strategy’ to address obesity was now…
What do we know about the health of young carers – and is it enough?
Care systems in many countries are underpinned by the efforts of huge armies of informal carers, many of whom are children. And while there is official recognition in some countries that these young carers suffer poorer health than their peers, there have been few studies highlighting the particular effects of caring on this group. Rebecca…
Better housing and employment are key to preventing long-term mental health effects of the pandemic
Ministers have announced extra funding for mental health services and suicide prevention amid concerns over a surge in cases among young people during COVID-19. New research by Thierry Gagné, Alita Nandi and Ingrid Schoon looks more closely at the issue and finds strong differences in mental health responses to the pandemic with deprivation. Resources need…
Multiple sclerosis: evidence of causes
More than 2.3 million people around the world have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and the large majority of those are over the age of 20. MS is not contagious but some inherited genetic characteristics influence risk of developing the disease. There is evidence that things going on in people’s lives and bodies when…